Press Coverage
Over twenty of David's releases have been recieved press coverage on radio and in print. They have gained praise and bemusement in fairly even measure. You can also hear David telling his own story in a Pecha Kucha presentation.
- "Very funny" - Simon Mayo, BBC Radio 5 Live
- "All praise the legend that is David Goody, no-one writes a tune like David, I mean no-one" - Pete Chambers BEM, Coventry Observer
- "Songs to put a smile on people’s faces" - Coventry Live
- "Hilarious" - Coventry Telegraph
- "If you haven't heard of David Goody, why? The man's a genius"- Neil Wilkes, Touch FM
- "A thing of beauty" - Vic Minett, BBC Coventry & Warwickshire
- "Absolutely brilliant, I'm jealous of the puns." - Rich Coad, Radio Plus
- "Flippin' good" - Mollie Green, BBC West Midlands
- "No, no, no" - Pete Waterman
- "Appalling... ...I love it!!!" - Horace Panter, The Specials
Spon End Santa
BBC Radio Cov & Warwick - Vic Minett (Dec 2014)
BBC Introducing - Brody Swain (Dec 2016)

Advent Of Goody
BBC CWR- Richard Williams (Dec 2020)

A Rather Silly History Of Coventry
BBC CWR - Brody Swain (Jan 2021)
Radio Plus - The Mixtape (Jan 2021)

It's Meant To Sound Like This

Rules Of The Coventry Ring Road
BBC Radio Cov & Warwick - Vic Minett (Sept 2014)
BBC Radio Cov & Warwick - Stuart Linnell (Aug 2014)
BBC Radio Cov & Warwick - Vic Minett (March 2014)
Free Radio - JD Breakfast Show (March 2014)

All Hail The Coventry Godcake
Touch FM Coventry Culture Show - Neil Wilkes (Aug 2018)
BBC Cov & Warwick - Vic Minett (Sept 2018)

Flappy Hands & Hawtrey
BBC Radio 5 Live - Kermode & Mayo's Film Reviews (Nov 2014)

Amy Winehouse Guide To Seaside
Pete Waterman & Mollie Green at Godiva, BBC Radio WM (July 2016)
Wednesday Wake Up With Richard Coad, Radio Plus (May 2016)

Kanye Xmas

We Call It A Batch
BBC Radio Cov & Warwick - Vic Minett (Dec 2015)

A Good Christmas To Die Hard
Radio Plus - The Mixtape (Dec 2019)
Abbey Radio - Meddisms (Dec 2019)

The Day I Bought The Ghost Town Car
Radio Plus - Mixtape - (Aug 2019)
BBC Radio Cov & Warwick - Culture Club (Jul 2019)

Rudy The 2 Tone Reindeer
Touch FM - Cov Culture Show (Dec 2018)
Radio Plus - Mixtape (Dec 2018)

COVID Ain't From Cov
BBC CWR - Trish Adudu(Apr 2020)
Don't Paint It Black...
BBC West Midlands Radio - Mollie Green (Aug 2016)
The Elves Of Earlsdon
Mixtape with Rich & Jess - Radio Plus
Oi Scholars Bring Back Lambrini
Coventry Culture Show with Neil Wilkes - Touch FM

Roy's Picking Rooney

Roy Hodgson Does The Samba

Straight Out Of Earlsdon

Sky Blue Xmas (SISU out)

Domesticated Records Publicity
Brody Swain, BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire (May 2016)
Wednesday Wake Up With Richard Coad, Radio Plus (May 2016)