
Data Visualisation

Presenting data in fun, funk and non-scary ways appears to be the order of the day. The folks at Information Is Beautiful have some great examples of how it can be done. Linked below are some experiments I have with different techniques of presenting the facts, and nothing but the facts.

Beer word diagrams
World mortality map

Trappist beer matrix

Tom Cruise's height

Glastonbury acts

Dr Who pie


As part of my undergraduate degree I did some computer based simluation. This lead to an unpublished paper called planar charged-particle trajectories in confined multipole magnetic fields. More recently I've played around with visual basic in Microsoft Excel to create a simulation of football games. It uses stochastic modelling to add a random element to match-ups between different teams. This gives a enjoyable level of uncertainty to the tactical inputs. In short it's a football management game built into a spreadsheet called Big Time Football Manager.

Charged particle trajectories

Big Time
Football Manager

Visual Basic

Some handy pieces of visual basic for applications to refer to.

Word To Excel Import